Server side rendering

What is server side rendering?

Like its name suggests, it is just a way to render you app on the server side. Why would you do that for single page application? There are many reasons, like SEO, improving performance in some cases, static rendering like in Gatsby and probably many others.

Anyway server side rendering is a very complex topic and there are many ways how to go about it. Many people use the strategy around React components, for instance they attach static methods to components which make requests and return promises with responses, then they wrap them in Promise.all. I don't recommend this strategy when using Redux, because this requires additional code and potentially double rendering on server, but if you really want to do it, it is possible as dispatched request actions return promise resolved with response.

However, this guide won't be for introducing server side rendering, it will show alternative strategies for SSR with the help of this library. You don't need to use any of them, but you might want to check them out as they could potentially simplify your SSR apps.

Two SSR strategies

There two recommended strategies for SSR with redux-requests:

  1. pure Redux strategy, in which you need to dispatch all request actions on the Redux level, then you await promise which will resolve once all requests are finished, after which you are ready to render on server side with any framework of your choosing, be it React or anything else
  2. React suspense strategy, which assumes that you dispatch request actions from React components

The choice depends on your taste and whether you dispatch actions from Redux or from React. In theory, it should be possible to use a hybrid/combination of those two methods (and dispatching request actions both from Redux and React level)!

Pure Redux

Before we begin, be advised that this strategy requires to dispatch request actions on Redux level, at least those which have to be fired on application load. So for instance you cannot dispatch them inside React componentDidMount or in useEffect. The obvious place to dispatch them is in the place you create store, like store.dispatch(fetchBooks()). However, what if your app has multiple routes, and each route has to send different requests? Well, you need to make Redux aware of current route. I recommend to use a router with first class support for Redux, namely redux-first-router. If you use react-router though, it is fine too, you just need to integrate it with Redux with connected-react-router or redux-first-history. Then you could listen to route change actions and dispatch proper request actions, for example from middleware, sagas, just whatever you use.

Basic setup

On the server you need to pass ssr: 'server' to handleRequests when running on the server (to resolve/reject requestsPromise in the right time) and ssr: 'client' on the client (not to repeat requests again on the client which we run on the server) option to handleRequests. Here you can see a possible implementation:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import axios from 'axios';
import { handleRequests } from '@redux-requests/core';
import { createDriver } from '@redux-requests/axios';
import { fetchBooks } from './actions';
export const configureStore = (initialState = undefined) => {
const ssr = !initialState; // if initialState is not passed, it means we run it on server
const {
} = handleRequests({
driver: createDriver(
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
ssr: ssr ? 'server' : 'client',
const reducers = combineReducers({
requests: requestsReducer,
const store = createStore(
return { store, requestsPromise };
// on the server
import React from 'react';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
// in an express/another server handler
const { store, requestsPromise } = configureStore();
.then(() => {
const html = renderToString(
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
res.render('index', {
initialState: JSON.stringify(store.getState()),
.catch(e => {
console.log('error', e);
res.status(400).send('something went wrong');
// you can also render React too, like for 404 error

As you can see, compared to what you would normally do in SSR for redux app, you only need to pass the extra ssr option to handleRequests and wait for requestsPromise to be resolved.

How does it work?

But how does it work? The logic is based on an internal counter. Initially it is set to 0 and is increased by 1 after each request is initialized. Then, after each response it is decreased by 1. So, initially after a first request it gets positive and after all requests are finished, its value is again set back to 0. And this is the moment which means that all requests are finished and requestsPromise is resolved (with all success actions).

In case of any request error, requestsPromise will be rejected with object { errorActions: [], successActions: [] }.

There is also more complex case. Imagine you have a request x, after which you would like to dispatch another y. You cannot do it immediately because y requires some information from x response. Above algorythm would not wait for y to be finished, because on x response counter would be already reset to 0. There are two action.meta attributes to help here:

  • dependentRequestsNumber - a positive integer, a number of requests which will be fired after this one, in above example we would put dependentRequestsNumber: 1 to x action, because only y depends on x
  • isDependentRequest - mark a request as isDependentRequest: true when it depends on another request, in our example we would put isDependentRequest: true to y, because it depends on x

You could even have a more complicated situation, in which you would need to dispatch z after y. Then you would also add dependentRequestsNumber: 1 to y and isDependentRequest: true to z. Yes, a request can have both of those attibutes at the same time! Anyway, how does it work? Easy, just a request with dependentRequestsNumber: 2 would increase counter by 3 on request and decrease by 1 on response, while an action with isDependentRequest: true would increase counter on request by 1 as usual but decrease it on response by 2. So, the counter will be reset to 0 after all requests are finished, also dependent ones.

React suspense

This strategy requires using suspense on the server side. Suspense is not officially supported yet on server side, but it is already possible thanks to react-async-ssr. Using it is only temporary, hopefully soon we will have this built inside React core. I tested it and it works surprisingly well, the only downside is that it officially supports only React 16.6.0-16.9.x. It is not a big issue though as 16.10+ doesn't really bring any new features.

Anyway, this strategy assumes that you dispatch requests from React components (namely from useQuery hooks).

Basic setup on the server

import React from 'react';
import { RequestsProvider } from '@redux-requests/react';
import { createDriver } from '@redux-requests/axios';
import { renderToStringAsync } from 'react-async-ssr';
import axios from 'axios';
// in an express/another server handler
let store;
const html = await renderToStringAsync(
driver: createDriver(
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
ssr: 'server',
disableRequestsPromise: true, // necessary to avoid unhandled promise rejection error
getStore={requestsStore => {
store = requestsStore;
<App />
res.render('index', {
initialState: JSON.stringify(store.getState()),

That's all there is to it, App component can be universal, written like there was no SSR involved at all! The only thing you need to remember is to wrap your components in App by Suspense, for example:

import React, { Suspense } from 'react';
const App = () => {
return (
<Suspense fallback="Loading">

This is needed because suspenseSsr option forces suspense on the server for all useQuery hooks (no matter what suspense option you choose). Also note, that it doesn't hurt that Suspense component would be used on the client side as well - if you don't use suspense on the client, it will just never be triggered.

Basic setup on the client

import React from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
import { hydrate } from 'react-dom';
import { RequestsProvider } from '@redux-requests/react';
import { createDriver } from '@redux-requests/axios';
driver: createDriver(
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
ssr: 'client',
<App />

Simple, isn't it? You just need to use ssr: 'client' and pass initialState and you are good to go!

Hybrid approach

In theory you could use combination of those two methods! You could:

  1. create your store and run some requests on Redux level
  2. await requestsPromise
  3. render asynchronously React with suspense, you would pass your already created store to RequestsProvider
  4. additional requests would be fired on React level

This should work in theory, in has not been tested in practice though, as I usually dispatch actions either from Redux or React, depending on the app. If you like mixing though, you could definitely try it!

Last updated on by Konrad