Usage with React


This library is just a Redux addon, so you can use it with any UI library, like React, Angular, Vue - whatever will work with Redux will work. However, you might consider using some React helpers which will be described below.


To install the package, just run:

$ npm install @redux-requests/react

or you can just use CDN:

$ npm install react-redux



useQuery is a hook which uses useSelector from react-redux together with getQuerySelector from redux-requests/core. It accepts the same arguments as getQuerySelector. You could easily use useSelector directly, but useQuery is slightly less verbose. So, without useQuery:

import React from 'react';
import { getQuerySelector } from '@redux-requests/core';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
const Books = () => {
const books = useSelector(getQuerySelector({ type: 'FETCH_BOOKS' }));
// ...

and with useQuery:

import React from 'react';
import { useQuery } from '@redux-requests/react';
const Books = () => {
const { data, error, loading, pristine } = useQuery({ type: 'FETCH_BOOKS' });
// ...

As you can see, useQuery hook is a convenient way to read query state, however it is much more powerful than that, it supports:

  • automatic queries reset and abort on component unmount
  • automatic query load - that's it, it can dispatch query action automatically for you on component mount
  • suspense support
  • server side suspense support for SSR - see this guide for more information
  • throwing errors instead of rendering to catch them up by a React error boundary component

Above can be configured with extra props:

  • requestKey: string - pass it if you used requestKey in the associated query
  • autoLoad: boolean - default false, if true, then query action will be dispatched on component mount automatically, also, query will be dispatched again on type or requestKey change, as well as on variables change, be aware that in order for this to work, you need to pass variables and action props (see below)
  • variables - required when autoLoad is true (or you want to use load callback) and your query action accepts variables, you need to pass them as array, for example variables={['firstVariable', 2, 'thirdVariable']}, note that query will be refetched on any variable change, so you must pay attention if any of your variables is an object - if yes, it must be memoized, for example by useMemo, otherwise query would be refetched on every render
  • action - necessary if autoLoad is true (or you want to use load callback) and type is string (so you don't use Redux action creator library and you have constants)
  • autoReset: boolean: false by default, setting to true will reset query on component unmount, be adviced though that it won't reset queries which are cached, also nothing will be reset on unmount if there is any other active component with another useQuery of the same type
  • suspense: boolean: false by default, setting to true will activate suspense, which will need to be catched by a Suspense component
  • throwError: boolean: false by default, setting to true will throw error on query error, ready to be catched by a React error boundary component
  • suspenseSsr: boolean: false by default, set it to true if you want to use suspense for SSR, typically you won't do it in every useQuery but in RequestsProvider globally

To get some more ideas how to use it, see below example:

const fetchBook = id => ({
type: 'FETCH_BOOK',
request: { url: `/books/${id}` },
const Book = () => {
const {
load, // callback to dispatch this query action any time
stopPolling, // callback to stop polling for this query action, if set
} = useQuery({
type: 'FETCH_BOOK',
action: fetchBook,
variables: [1],
autoLoad: true,
autoReset: true,
suspense: true,
throwError: true,
// ...

Note, that unconvenient action won't be necessary if you use an action creator library.


useMutation is a hook which uses useSelector from react-redux together with getMutationSelector from redux-requests. It accepts the same arguments as getMutationSelector. Like in case of useQuery, you could render

For example:

import React from 'react';
import { useMutation } from '@redux-requests/react';
const Books = () => {
const { loading, error } = useMutation({ type: 'DELETE_BOOK' });
// ...

Like in case of useQuery, useMutation also accepts some extra props:

  • requestKey: string - pass it if you used requestKey in the associated mutation
  • variables - required when you want to use mutate callback and your mutation action accepts variables, you need to pass them as array, for example variables={['firstVariable', 2, 'thirdVariable']}
  • action - necessary if you want to use mutate callback and type is string (so you don't use Redux action creator library and you have constants)
  • autoReset: boolean: false by default, setting to true will reset mutation on component unmount, be adviced that nothing will be reset on unmount if there is any other active component with another useMutation of the same type
  • suspense: boolean: false by default, setting to true will activate suspense, which will need to be catched by a Suspense component
  • throwError: boolean: false by default, setting to true will throw error on mutation error, ready to be catched by a React error boundary component

To get some more ideas how to use it, see below example:

const deleteBook = id => ({
type: 'DELETE_BOOK',
request: { url: `/books/${id}`, method: 'delete' },
const Book = () => {
const {
mutate, // callback to dispatch this mutation action any time
} = useQuery({
type: 'DELETE_BOOK',
action: deleteBook,
variables: [1],
autoReset: true,
suspense: true,
throwError: true,
// ...


useSubscription is a hook which automatically dispatches subscription actions. Also, on onmount, it automatically stop subscription. For example:

import React from 'react';
import { useSubscription } from '@redux-requests/react';
const Books = () => {
useSubscription({ type: 'ON_BOOK_DELETION' });
// ...

useSubscription also accepts some extra props:

  • requestKey: string: pass it if you used requestKey in the associated subscription
  • variables - required if your subscription action accepts some arguments
  • action - like in useQuery and useMutation, required if you pass string to type - that's it, you don't use action creator library, then you need to pass your subscription action here
  • active: boolean: true by default, setting to false will prevent subscription action to be dispatched


This component is only necessary for SSR with suspense, but it is recommended to use it in any case, as it can change default values like autoReset for useQuery and useMutation hooks and optionally setup Redux store for you. It is actually a wrapper around Provider from react-redux, so you shouldn't use both, if you use RequestsProvider, don't use Provider.

RequestsProvider accepts the following props:

  • children: required, any React element, probably top level of you app
  • requestsConfig: the very same config you would pass to handleRequest from @redux-requests/core, not needed if you pass your own store
  • extraReducers: optional, object of your custom reducers which will be merged with requestsReducer, not needed if you pass your own store
  • getMiddleware: optional, here you can pass extra Redux middleware, for example getMiddleware={requestsMiddleware => [thunkMiddleware, ...requestsMiddleware]}, not needed if you pass your own store
  • store: your store instance, pass it if you would like to create Redux store on your own
  • suspense: boolean: default to false, this value will be the default value for all useQuery and useMutation hooks
  • autoLoad: boolean: default to false, this value will be the default value for all useQuery hooks
  • autoReset: boolean: default to false, this value will be the default value for all useQuery and useMutation hooks
  • throwError: boolean: default to false, this value will be the default value for all useQuery and useMutation hooks
  • suspenseSsr: boolean: default to false, set to true when using suspense SSR
  • getStore: function called on RequestsProvider mount, it allows you to get access to store created by RequestsProvider, typically used in suspense SSR scenario
  • initialState: initial state for store created by RequestsProvider, not needed when passing your own store, typically only for SSR scenario

Simple example:

import axios from 'axios';
import { RequestsProvider } from '@redux-requests/react';
import { createDriver } from '@redux-requests/axios';
driver: createDriver(
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
<App />


This is a ready to use error boundary component to catch errors from useQuery and useMutation hooks, when using throwErrow: true. It has a convenient ability to recover from error if catched error is fixed, for example by a query refetch.

It has the following props:

  • type: required, a type of a query or a mutation which you want to catch error for
  • requestKey: like above, required when you use a request with requestKey
  • autoReset: boolean: like for useQuery and useMutation, whether request should be reset on unmount
  • children: React element with useQuery or useMutation hook, for which you want to catch errors
  • fallback: render prop with error to render

Simple example:

import { RequestsErrorBoundary } from '@redux-requests/react';
fallback={error => <div>Some error happened during books loading</div>}
<Book />


Alias for useDispatch from react-redux, it works the same but it improves Typescript experience:

import { useDispatchRequest } from '@redux-requests/react';
const BookFetcher = () => {
const dispatchRequest = useDispatchRequest();
return (
onClick={async () => {
const { data, error } = await dispatch(fetchBook('1'));
Fetch book

See this guide for more information.


Query is render prop alternative to useQuery hook. However, for now this component is not in par with useQuery. It can be only used to read query state, not to automatically load queries and so on. For that, use either useQuery or create your own render prop component basing on useQuery. Time will tell whether Query will be deprecated or will match all useQuery functionality.

Anyway, Query has the following props:

  • type: string: type of query action, refer to getQuery from the core library
  • requestKey: string: pass it if you used requestKey in query action, refer to getQuery from the core library
  • multiple: boolean: refer to getQuery from the core library
  • defaultData: refer to getQuery from the core library
  • selector: if you already have a query selector, pass it here instead of type
  • children - render function receiving object with data, loading flag and error property
  • component - alternative prop to children, you can pass your custom component here, which will receive data, loading and error props, plus any additional props passed to Query
  • isDataEmpty: query => boolean: function which defines when data is empty, by default data as empty array and falsy value like null, undefined is considered as empty when data is updated - it will still show during initial fetch, but ill not for subsequent requests
  • noDataMessage: string or any React node, like <div>message</div>, which will be rendered when data is empty
  • errorComponent: custom React component, which will be rendered on error, receives error prop, null by default
  • errorComponentProps: extra props which will be passed to errorComponent
  • loadingComponent custom React component, which will be rndered when request is pending, useful for showing spinners, receives downloadProgress and uploadProgress props, useful when requestAction.meta.measureDownloadProgress or requestAction.meta.measureUploadProgress is true
  • loadingComponentProps: extra props which will be passed to loadingComponent spinners, null by default
  • showLoaderDuringRefetch: boolean: true by default, whether loadingComponent will be shown on data refetch or not, if false you won't see spinner even when data is being loaded if you already have some data from a previous requests
  • action: useful only when you use Typescript, see details here

Minimalistic example:

import { Query } from '@redux-requests/react';
// or selector={myQuerySelector}
{({ data }) => <div>{data}</div>}

or with component prop:

import { Query } from '@redux-requests/react';
const DataComponent = ({ query, extraLabelProp }) => (
// or selector={myQuerySelector}

or with all props:

import { Query } from '@redux-requests/react';
const LoadingComponent = ({ label }) => (
const ErrorComponent = ({ error, label }) => (
Error with status code {error.status}
// or selector={myQuerySelector}
isDataEmpty={query =>
Array.isArray( ? === 0 : !
noDataMessage="There is no data"
errorComponentProps={{ label: 'Error label' }}
loadingComponentProps={{ label: 'Loading label' }}
{({ data }) => <div>{data}</div>}


Mutation is render prop alternative to useMutation hook. However, for now this component is not in par with useMutation. It can be only used to read mutation state, not to automatically reset mutations and so on. For that, use either useMutation or create your own render prop component basing on useMutation. Time will tell whether Mutation will be deprecated or will match all useMutation functionality.

  • type: string: type of mutation action, refer to getMutation from the core library
  • requestKey: string: pass it if you used requestKey in mutation action, refer to getMutation from the core library
  • selector: if you already have a mutation selector, pass it here instead of type
  • children - render function receiving object with loading flag and error property
  • component - alternative prop to children, you can pass your custom component here, which will receive loading and error props, plus any additional props passed to Mutation

You use it like this:

import { Mutation } from '@redux-requests/react';
// or selector={myMutationSelector}
{({ loading, error }) => {
if (error) {
return <div>Something went wrong</div>;
return (
<button onClick={dispatchSomeMutation} disabled={loading}>
Send mutation {loading && '...'}
Last updated on by klis87